Look Upon Ribbon Fall And El Capitan

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Look upon Ribbon Fall and El Capitan and then don’t forget to take a picture of Bridalveil Fall across the way!

Morning light begins to cover the cliff walls as the trees remain covered in shadow. A streak of gold is splashed to the left of Ribbon Fall. Pinkish clouds dot the light blue sky. The photographer took in all the beauty; and then turning his back… preceded to photograph Bridalveil Fall.

We are now in the west end of Yosemite Valley. Ribbon Fall and El Capitan are on the north side. Bridalveil Fall is on the south side. Heading to the east end of the valley will soon bring a view of Half Dome. Half Dome Village (now known as Curry Village) is further east of Yosemite Village.
Travelers leave their vehicles to photograph the beauty of Yosemite. They give this beauty much artistic thought. Stretching their legs, their heart begins to stretch; their spirit is lifted as high as the mountain tops! Beauty and waterfalls overwhelm them.

Look upon Ribbon Fall and El Capitan and then don’t forget to take a picture of Bridalveil Fall across the way! The cliff walls to the north and to the south stream with beautiful waterfalls.

Scenic Wonders invites you to visit beautiful Yosemite. Stay in one of our family homes or condominiums.  Call our reservation desk at 1-888-YOSEMITE.

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